


Hello my lovely viewers, I am here to announce the launch of VALRAMM.COM
Now,  don't worry nothing has completely changed. I have decided to take my blogging to the next level by launching this site. There is a ton of content coming and I would it if you all would continue to follow my journey through this new site.

Simply click here to enjoy.
I also wanted to take a minute to thank all the stores, companies and readers who have helped me achieve where I am today! If it wasn't for your constant support I would not have been able to launch Valramm.com

Highlights of 2016


2016 brought so many changes and unexpected surprises in my life and I couldn't be happier with all the great things that occurred throughout the year. With that said I wanted to share with you all what my year looked like:


~ Began the year going back in time and shooting a 1940s look with my photographer to start the year!

~Val Daily got it's first ever makeover!

~Started the year off second semester of senior year in High School.

~Modeled for my first Bridal Show, got to wear a 30,000 Swarovski crystal dress!

~As a model I got my first digitals for my agency taken (not gonna lie, made me feel pretty important!)

~Got to partner up with Sand Cloud towels and be sent their most awesome product : their glass water bottle.

~No better way to start a basic year than by receiving Skinny Teatox...that's when you know you've made it on Instagram.

~Many of firsts in January, I shot my first campaign in the streets of New York City for Mirina Collections.

~I also made it on to the wall of the Salon I have worked for and currently go to, Thanks a lot ladies for putting me up on your wall of fame! @L'EleganceSalon.


~I attended NEW YORK FASHION WEEK '16 !!! Still can't believe this happened and I will be back in February of 2017.

~I found myself on another wall! Mirina Collections framed one of the photos from the shoot and put it up on their office walls.

~I saw Vance Joy live in my state and got to be in the third row.

~Collaborated with Pineal Vision Jewelry, love her handmade jewelry check here.


~Boy, March started off pretty busy, I modeled for Lord & Taylor and was able to be part of their prom section debut.

~Did a prom photoshoot which was one of the most glam shoots i have done so far!

~Spent Easter with my beautiful mother and took a day trip to the city like always.

~Thanks to Francesca's I was able to find all the dresses for my school events.


~The Birthday Month~

~Became a legal adult and took a trip down to Mexico with my mother.

~Got to partner with a ton of bathing suit companies: Zaful, Misguided and Frankie's Bikinis!

~Skin Aura was a company I collaborated with and fell in love with the products.

~As a legal adult I got to vote for state representatives.

~My Favorite partnership of the month: I partnered up with Aerie for a body positivity post on my instagram @valramm.


~I attended PROM! As a senior I went to Junior prom with a friend and the following week I went to my last prom ever.

~I collaborated with Les Collections my favorites ladies all the way from Spain.

~I committed to Quinnipiac University! Go Bobcats!!

~I was featured and written about in my town's newspaper for being a high school student with a modeling career as well as a blogger.

~My friends and I took part in senior skip day and headed to my friend Nicole's second home and spent the day there having a picnic.

~I attended the Honor Cord Ceremony that my high school held for completing certain classes over the past four years.

~My Senior Experience Project was presented, it was amazing being able to present my blog as my hobby as well as job!

~My AP Art show took place.


~Collaborated with Cacique Boutique to photograph this awesome white dress!

~I began college shopping and shopped til I dropped for my dorm (Thanks mom!)

~I WAS ON TV! The day before my graduation I was on CT Style a style show on NBC Connecticut.

~I graduated High School...Finally.

~The day after I graduated I jumped on the runway for a fashion show hosted by Yale University.

~I attended my college orientation!!

~Got to end the month by collaborating with Gova Swimwear, a swimwear company from my dear country Venezuela.


~Celebrated Fourth of July and my sister's birthday with friends and family.

~Collaborated with Romwe.com to photograph the dress below!

~Spent days back to back photographing all the swimwear Zaful.com sent me! 

~Collaborated with Bioxidea and was so excited since they have been reviewed by Vogue, Elle and more.

~Attended all my friend's graduation parties.

~Went to Fenway for the first time ever...sorry to my friends from Mass. but I'm a Yankees fan 100%.



~I became an Augusta Abyss brand ambassador...soo happy I was able to be a part of that brand.

~Attended the endless Hockey games thanks to having one of the best Hockey teams in the nation!

~Shein.com sent me some awesome goodies for moving into college.


~Collaborated with @LeStyle25 and will be doing some exciting collabs with her in 2017.

~My family took our annual fall pictures, where we go apple and pumpkin picking.

~Went to the city with my friend Brandon and got to see Olivier Rousteing at The Met.


~One of my dear roommates and I took some fall pictures outside as she got to experience her first New England fall since she's from Florida!

~I collaborated with Red Elephant Clothing and have been loving the goodies she sent me! Cmon, personalized yoga pants are as awesome as they sound.

~I shot a whole photoshoot for the Yale shops owned by Yale University as well as all the restaurants around Yale University.

~Halloween came around and I spent it with my roommates and friends.

~Did the last Bridal Show of the year, got to wear gowns imported from Italy all hand made.


~I received all the photos from the amazing Yale shoot!

~I VOTED!! #Proudtobeanamerican

~I was able to model for Quinnipiac University's new website.

~There was an article about me in CT Fashion Magazine.

~Teamed up with Coca Cola to promote their holiday promotion.


~My family and I took our annual Christmas pictures.

~I was mentioned in CT Fashion Magazine once again to talk about the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.

~Headed to NY for a very important meeting dealing with my modeling career! *fingers crossed* 2017 will bring even better news.

~Val Daily got it's most recent makeover! I hope you are all enjoying it, my next step is to buy the Val Daily domain.

~Attended Christmas dinner with my family and spent New Years at a great banquet with live music to ring in the new year.

It amazes me all the things I was able to accomplish throughout the year. I am certainly planning on doing this post once again after 2017 ends. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, let the new year begin!
I hope you all started your new year on a good note and I wish you all happiness, success and health.

The MET X Olivier Rousteing


One of my favorite events to have attended over the fall time was the Olivier Rousteing and Alina Choo interview. This interview was held at the Metropolitan Museum in New York City. The best part of going to school in a city is being able to take the train into New York and be there in an instant. 
On this day I invited my friend Brandon to join me to experience this great interview with me. We met up after classes and shortly after we were on our way to the Met. Olivier Rousteing is unlike any other. His humor and honesty really made the interview seem more interactive and opinionated. 

I was so happy to be able to attend this glamorous event and what's a fashion event post without any outfit details? Above and below you can see a bit of my outfit unfortunately it was so dark out that it's hard to see all the pieces. What you can see if my French Connection leather jacket which i was so lucky to find at a Nordstrom Rack for such a steal! Underneath that i wore a plain black halter tank top paired with black textured Zara leggings. My favorite part of this whole outfit were my shoes! I was sent two pairs of booties from Shein.com and one of the pairs are blue velvet all throughout the shoe. The heel is not too tall, only about 2-3 inches but since it's a chunky heel i could walk all around the city with no problem.

This was by far my favorite event to attend at the Met and be sure to stick around because I will be attending more events like these in the next year!

Fall 2016


Realizing that it is the second week of December makes me happy and sad at the same time. Sad because my favorite season is fall, there is just something about the air and the colors that makes me very happy to wake up to every day. As well as happy because it is now winter which means Christmas time is right around the corner...literally. 
As I look at all my christmas decorations I can't help but think of all the photographs I took over the fall time. That is why I'm dedicating a whole post to them just because! I do however have to step up my game on taking pictures this winter because I am really lacking in that department. Although, maybe all the fall time pictures will balance out the lack of photography for the past two season. 

Every year comes a new series of photographs. My family has made it a tradition to always go apple and pumpkin picking around the same time every year. This has become one of my favorite family traditions, not only because my family gets together but because of all the cute moments that are captured on camera.

Being in college for the first time has allowed me to make a ton of new little traditions. Especially with roommates and friends who are not from New England and this is their first time experiencing fall time. There is nothing better than seeing my friend's faces light up when they see a leaf pile or just simply stopping to take pictures of the foliage. I'm very lucky that I get to go to a University where the campus grounds are extremely well taken care off and the scenery is just breath taking.

College Move In Day 2016


2016 brought some great things to me, one of those being moving into my college dorm for freshmen year! I'm so thankful to have this opportunity because I personally really value education and I know that many people out there don't get to be as lucky.
With that said, my first semester of college is over. My last final was last Friday and by being home I started to do some self reflecting. I have realized how much has changed and how I have changed and progressed as a person in these past few months. 
Therefore, I wanted to share some images from the day I moved in and what my dorm room looks like from my side. As of a couple of weeks ago we actually rearranged the room so it looks a bit different. Let me know if any of you are interested in seeing an updated look on my dorm when I get back from winter break. 
Looking back at these photos amazes me how excited I was for the unexpected and it brings me a lot of happiness being able to say i'm so happy where I am.

The packing process was certainly on another level. I promise that for next year I will photograph the process to share with you all. My room turned out great, I love all the decorations I brought with me. If you are all still interested in seeing how my suite looks don't be afraid to let me know down below in the comments and I will upload a post all about living with seven other girls!
I hope you all liked seeing how my room turned out, I love being able to make posts like these that I can look back on and cherish.

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